Replacing department hangtags with virtual permits at the U of M

The University of Manitoba uses Offstreet to seamlessly administer department permits on campus.

The solution has allowed them to optimize operations, improve stakeholder relations and increase parking compliance across campus.


Time saved for
parking team

< 10 sec

To create a
guest permit


Flexibility across
Cameron Neufeld
Director, Parking and Transportation
University of Manitoba
"We had been searching for a customer-friendly validation system that satisfied our needs, and Offstreet has exceeded our expectations. Customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and our partners on campus have raved about the simplicity and efficiency of validating visitor parkers virtually, from their work stations, removing all need for physical permits."
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company


Cumbersome, expensive and prone to fraud
  • Difficult for staff to administer and track

  • $15K-$20K annual cost

  • Staff spent 1/8th of their time investigating fraud

Created enforcement inefficiencies
  • Not integrated with LPR enforcement

  • Enforcement officers have to stop and check for permits

  • No data available for billing or investigations

Poor experience for campus guests
  • Required guests to enter unnecessary information

  • Guests had to print or pick up parking permit

  • Negative first impression


Allow departments to self-manage permits

  • Departments submit event request form and receive a unique permit link

  • Link is distributed to guests to
    pre-register for parking

  • Departments are billed back for their usage at the end of the month

Ease of use and improved guest communication

  • Guest can create their permit from
    their phone in advance or upon arrival

  • Guest receives parking info, including GPS
    mapping, a campus map, and detailed
    parking instructions

  • Guests receive a confirmation and
    reminder email
    including parking details

Real-time integration with LPR enforcement

  • License plate-based permits

  • Real-time API integration with
    LPR enforcement

  • Unlimited permit configurations and
    zone mapping for 100% flexibility


Simplified workflows
with virtual permits

  • 94% time savings
    for the parking team due to less time spent investigating fraud, an increase in enforcement efficiency, and an overall simpler experience for issuing department permits

  • Less that 10 seconds
    to create a guest permit, resulting in an easier process for parkers and departments

  • 100% flexibility
    across campus with the ability to offer valid guest permits for any lot

Cameron Neufeld
Director, Parking and Transportation
University of Manitoba
"Our department's definition of success hinges on minimizing operational friction. By partnering with Offstreet, we have successfully streamlined the processes related to department permits and special events. Previously, the use of hangtags was significantly impeding our operational efficiency, adversely affecting administrators, enforcement officers, other departments, and guests alike. Our experience with Offstreet has been exceptionally positive and highly beneficial."
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company

Streamline guest parking
on campus

Improve your guest experience, reduce time
spent managing guest parking, and reduce
your reliance on hardware.